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Thinking about electromobility holistically

Shorter ranges, complex charging processes, and a charging infrastructure with limited capacity – electric buses present numerous new challenges for transport operators that can only be mastered with the help of specialised IT solutions. This specialised solution should ensure perfect rosters and optimum network utilisation during regular operation, and also provide solutions at any time in the event of a disruption. Using IVU.suite as an example, we describe the most important factors, and what this kind of system can look like below. Especially the limited range and the need to plan and monitor the charging process leads to a new form of complexity. This makes the integration of vehicle working planning, depot management and ITCS fundamental. The usage of the IVU.suite's uniform forecast for energy consumption and charging processes as well as through the optimisation components developed together with LBW Optimization GmbH creates additional advantages. 

Dr Claudia Hein, Dr Torsten Franke: Thinking about electromobility holistically, in: DER NAHVERKEHR, October 2021.

Read the full article here

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