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Uestra bus at a stop next to tram tracks

Keeping operations under control
In the control centre and cockpit

Thanks to IVU.fleet and IVU.cockpit, your control centre always has a direct line with the bus or traction unit. Numerous automated functions help you to ensure a swift and appropriate response in every situation, keep pas­sen­gers up to date and address the vehicle environment.

The client-capable background system IVU.fleet com­mu­ni­ca­tes continuously with the driver-operated IVU.cockpit on-board computer software in your buses and trains. If nec­es­sary, you can create route changes, auxiliary vehicle sche­dules or aborted journeys for your buses with just a few clicks of the mouse and automatically forward journey scheduling changes to the bus or train. Automatic connection management supports your driving staff by offering helpful information. IVU.fleet is supported by IVU.cockpit, which acts as a control centre inside the bus or train. Compliant with ITxPT, it is compatible with all the most important protocols for on-board and external data trans­mission. The on-board computer software records not only the peripheral data from sensors but also the vehicle position via GPS.

With IVU.controlcentre, IVU.rail provides a fully integrated standard solution with an end-to-end digital workflow for your rail control centre.

Integrated rail control centre

Your benefits with IVU.controlcentre, IVU.fleet + IVU.cockpit

Railway Icon
  • Efficient workflows
    IVU.controlcentre automatically informs train drivers and passengers about any sche­dule changes and connects to data hubs

  • Standards-compliant connections
    Whether on board or during com­mu­ni­cation with the control centre, the entire system complies with a range of technical standards such as ITxPT, GSM-R, LTE and more

  • Integrated data management
    Collecting and evaluating data: IVU.controlcentre record, consolidate and prepare sensor data

More about IVU.rail

Bus Icon
  • Integrated monitoring
    IVU.fleet continuously monitors oper­ations and issues alerts as soon as any disruptions occur

  • Efficient disruption management
    Optimising workflows: IVU.fleet provides assistance with suitable suggestions for dispatch actions

  • Automatic connection and interval management
    Drivers are automatically informed of delayed connections or if the headway becomes irregular

Electric bus Icon
Electric buses
  • Checking the recharge status
    Real-time information: IVU.suite trans­mits the current recharge status for every vehicle directly to fleet management

  • Responding instantly
    Continuously updated range forecasts enable dispatch managers to take action before the power runs short

  • Informed dispatch
    Anticipating the impact of trip modi­fi­cations on vehicle range: Forecasts help to assess the impact of dispatch actions

  • Monitoring charging stations
    To ensure that buses can charge en route, dispatch managers know in advance whether charging points are available or occupied

  • Connecting with depot management
    A continuous flow of data ensures more effective planning: IVU.suite transmits recharge statuses and forecasts to connected systems

More about electric mobility

IVU.ticket.box in the driver's cabin in the bus


The integrated on-board computer acts as an in-bus control centre. It records all processes, communicates with the control centre and issues tickets. 

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Our brochures for downloading
IVU.suite brochure

for public transport

IVU.rail brochure

for railway transport

IVU.suite brochure for electric buses

for e-mobility

End-to-end solution for public transport

An integrated, one-stop solution – IVU.suite offers the right support for all fields of activity of bus and rail companies: from planning, dispatch, fleet management, ticketing, and passenger information through to the settlement of transport contracts.

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Do you want to talk with a customer advisor or learn more about career opportunities with us? Or maybe there is something else you want to talk to us about? Write to us – your contact person will get back in touch with you as quickly as possible.

Get in touch

IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Bundesallee 88
12161 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49.30.8 59 06 -0
E-mail: contact@ivu.com

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