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Bahnleitstelle - Softwarelösung für den Bahnbetrieb von Verkehrsunternehmen

Complete Integration of Rail Operations

From timetable planning and dispatching to disruption manage­ment and real­time in­for­mation, IVU‘s rail control centre is a fully inte­grated stand­ard solution with a continuous digital work­flow that provides passengers with consistent in­for­mation at all times and on all channels.

Transport operators have to take numerous factors into account in their rail control centre. As well as every­day challenges such as per­sonnel being ill at short notice, vehicle restrictions, high passenger volumes, or damage to the track, de­cisions made by the infra­structure operator can also have an in­fluence on the dis­patch and further course of the trip. IVU‘s easy-to operate incident manage­ment provides support in the event of disruptions, with standard­ised docu­mentation in the control centre log. In the vehicles, the comprehensive integration with the back­ground system ensures that the on-board technical components such as the passenger count, interior monitoring, and passenger in­formation work together smoothly.

IVU.rail‘s rail control centre ensures standardised data flows that harmonise different sources of information. The inte­gration includes applications from planning to personnel and vehicle dispatch to the on-board software in the trains. Simul­taneously, the system trans­­mits all real-time in­for­­mation directly from the dis­patch to the pass­engers. This ensures con­fi­dence, reliable planning, and shorter wait times – which means satis­fied passengers.

Your benefits at a glance

Cyanfarbenes Icon mit einem Achtung-Kennzeichen
Integrated disruption management

Shorter waiting times, no surprises –
changes and disruptions at short notice are
handled immediately and resolved quickly
for all resources involved.

Cyanfarbenes Icon mit einem angedeutetem Blatt Papier welches von zwei Pfeilen umkreist wird.
Consistent data flow

Open and standardised interfaces ensure
the same information on all channels –
from the bus stop display to websites and
apps to the data hubs.

Cyanfarbenes Icon mit zwei angedeuteten Menschen die mit einer Sprechblase verbunden sind
Seamless communication

IVU.rail automatically passes on dispatch
related changes to the trip to the trains –
keeping the drivers up to date at all times.

Cyanfarbenes Icon mit einem Zug mit ausgehenden Linien
Powerful on-board software

IVU.rail‘s on-board software monitors all
communication with the rail control centre,
processes all incoming and outgoing data,
monitors the vehicle state, and manages

Cyanfarbenes Informationszeichen und einer Uhr
Reliable real-time information

Whether 10 or 10,000 connections –
the on-board software processes and
distributes uniform real-time data in a
fraction of a second.

Cyanfarbener Zug soll mit einem Elektrostecker und einem H2 Zeichen, alternative Antriebe symbolisieren
Alternative propulsion

Whether electric or with hydrogen – the
IVU.suite maps all work processes relating
to the use of alternative propulsion systems.

Cyanfarbenes Icon mit 6 blauen und einem weißen Strichmännchen in Pyramidenform angeordnet.
Precise passenger load display

Better distribution of passengers across
the vehicle for more comfort – the passenger
load display shows both the dispatch manager
in the control centre and the passengers
viewing outside displays the utilisation levels
for carriages.

Cyanfarbener Zug mit zwei auf den Zug zeigenden Pfeilen und einem kleinen Blauen Kreis mit kleinen weißen Zahnrädern
Integration services for vehicle manufacturers

Everything from a single source – IVU takes
care of the complete vehicle equipment with
the corresponding hardware and software for
vehicle manufacturers and railway operators.

Yellow and white SWEG train at night.

Integrated Rail Control Centre for SWEG
Complete integration of rail operations

SWEG has relied on the software system Integrated Rail Control Centre from IVU.rail in order to keep its passengers up to date with real-time information and to quickly process short-notice changes or disruptions

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Our brochures for downloading

IVU.rail brochure

for railway transport

Rail control centre - software solution for railway operations of transport operators

Integrated rail control centre

IVU News Magazine 2019
IVU News

Flexibility on the Track

End-to-end solution for bus and rail

An integrated, one-stop solution – IVU.suite offers the right support for all fields of activity of bus and rail companies: from planning, dispatch, fleet management, ticketing, and passenger information through to the settlement of transport contracts.

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Do you want to talk with a customer advisor or learn more about career opportunities with us? Or maybe there is something else you want to talk to us about? Write to us – your contact person will get back in touch with you as quickly as possible.

Get in touch

IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Bundesallee 88
12161 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49.30.8 59 06 -0
E-mail: contact@ivu.com

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