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Ferry on river between snow mountains and forest in Norway

Vehicle dispatch and depot management
Optimised fleet deployment

IVU.vehicle puts your vehicles on the road and ensures optimal depot management in a manner that is efficient, conserves resources and cuts costs. Plan deployments, workshop visits and downtimes and optimise the use of your railways, buses and trams. 

IVU.vehicle features a comprehensive suggestion system designed to speed up the allocation of vehicles to schedules. And the automatic conflict checker ensures that you adhere to all the relevant rules. At the same time, the system mo­ni­tors all journeys in real time and alerts you to any dis­rup­tions. IVU.vehicle is linked directly to workshop planning and enables you to create workshop orders directly in the dis­patch function. Parking in depots and bus charging pro­cesses can also be precision-planned. For the deployment of railways, the integrated track occupancy planning also allows for the planning of parking and shunting trips. The intuitive user interface helps you to keep constant track of all the most important information, including planned and current sche¬dules, routes, vehicles and staff deployed, service intervals and conflicts.

Your benefits with IVU.vehicle

Railway Icon
  • Integrated disruption management
    To ensure that the dispatch team can respond quickly, IVU.vehicle displays all relevant information about current operations and offers support in the event of disruptions

  • Clear track occupancy planning
    IVU.vehicle supports real-time scheduled track occupancy assignments according to the timetable situation as well as shun­ting movements

  • Optimal maintenance supply
    IVU.vehicle displays the current deadlines of the railways at all times, so that maintenance layovers, orders and supplies can be efficiently planned in advance

  • Planning vehicle schedules of battery trains
    IVU.vehicle calculates the charging predictions when allocating the vehicle workings and automatically plans the charging sessions in the process

More about IVU.rail

Bus Icon
  • Integration of real-time data
    To ensure that the dispatch team can respond quickly, IVU.vehicle displays actual data relating to current journeys and issues an alert if there are disruptions

  • Optimal charge management
    Seamlessly integrated in the user inter­face, the charge management feature for electric buses supports the optimal sched­uling of charging processes under consideration of range restrictions

  • Integrated dispatch
    Whether for a mixed fleet or all-electric operation, IVU.suite combines activities for all vehicle types in a single user inter­face

Electric bus Icon
Electric buses
  • Open interfaces
    Thanks to open standards such as OCPP, transport operators are not tied to spe­ci­fic vehicle and charging station vendors

  • Optimum parking
    Vehicle type, recharge status, next vehicle schedule: Powerful algorithms auto­ma­ti­cally determine the optimum parking space – even in the face of short-notice changes

  • Compiling data
    Infrastructure, vehicles, vehicle sche­du­les: Intelligent algorithms con­sider every aspect and generate optimum charging plans

  • Monitoring charging processes
    Always up to date: comprehensive mo­ni­to­ring and logging functions alert dis­patch managers to any problems or changes

More about electric mobility

Buses at the bus station in Belgium

Personnel dispatch
Fair duty schedules

The right employee in the right place at the right time: IVU.crew supports your entire personnel dispatch process and ensures that all employees are where they need to be –  whether to the driver's seat in the bus, the driver's cab in the train or to the lifting platform in the maintenance workshop.

IVU.crew has the right tool for every procedural step – from roster layout and holiday planning to dispatch and precise settlement and evaluation. This means that you benefit from powerful optimisation algorithms, for example when crea­ting weekly schedules and roster layouts. Dispatch opti­mi­sa­tion also takes into account employees’ preferences and qualifications, notes any relevant restrictions and ensures fair and balanced duties. IVU.crew + IVU.pad are closely linked: The mobile app keeps your employees in the loop at all times. Important information such as duty schedules, manuals and forms is a fingertip away.

Benefits with IVU.crew and IVU.pad
IVU.pad as a mobile workstation

The mobile workplace

Important documents such as duty schedules, handbooks and forms are always available.

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Our brochures for downloading
IVU.suite brochure

for public transport

IVU.rail brochure

for railway transport

IVU.suite brochure for electric buses

for e-mobility

End-to-end solution for bus and rail

An integrated, one-stop solution – IVU.suite offers the right support for all fields of activity of bus and rail companies: from planning, dispatch, fleet management, ticketing, and passenger information through to the settlement of transport contracts.

Feel free to contact us
We look forward to hearing from you

Do you want to talk with a customer advisor or learn more about career opportunities with us? Or maybe there is something else you want to talk to us about? Write to us – your contact person will get back in touch with you as quickly as possible.

Get in touch

IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Bundesallee 88
12161 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49.30.8 59 06 -0
E-mail: contact@ivu.com

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