Responsible corporate governance
and sustainable value creation
IVU's management always acts responsibly within the regulatory framework of a listed company and strives for sustainable value creation. We are fully committed to the German Corporate Governance Code and our internal Code of Conduct and have issued a Declaration of Conformity according to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).
Our goals
Conduct business in compliance with the law and directives
Our compliance management system makes it easier for all our employees to always act appropriately when working with customers, while maintaining IVU's special corporate culture.
The compliance management system includes various measures and processes to guarantee and monitor our employees’ compliance with national and international regulations and laws. These include a binding Code of Conduct and a publicly accessible whistleblower system.
Our Compliance Officer monitors compliance with the relevant regulations, while a risk management system is also in place to identify and control all risks.

Respectable business conduct
when dealing with our stakeholders
At IVU, we are known for our special corporate culture: People-focussed, collegial, collaborative, responsible, and law-abiding. The way our employees present themselves determines how we are perceived and contributes greatly to maintaining the trust that our customers place in our company and in our products.
Our goals
The IVU Code of Conduct
With our Code of Conduct, we demonstrate what IVU stands for, both internally and externally. It provides us with a framework for our day-to-day operations that helps us to always make ethical and legally compliant decisions. The Code of Conduct provides customers, partners, shareholders, and the public with a reliable and transparent basis for working with us.
We do not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery at IVU – whether public, private, active, or passive. As a responsible, globally active company, we comply with the anti-corruption laws and regulations of all countries in which we operate.
We conform to the applicable competition and antitrust laws and act according to their requirements. The company's own market position is not exploited, and no agreements are made with competitors that could lead to damage to existing and potential customers.
To respect and protect human rights in the supply chain, we have implemented the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains and are currently working on implementing further measures. All our suppliers and partners are based almost exclusively in Europe; we do not maintain any operations, or have any direct suppliers, in countries with a significant risk of human rights violations.
Learn more about our commitment
Whether customers, partners, or employees – IVU is a reliable partner in all relationships and is committed to the Corporate Governance Code and the internal Code of Conduct.

Sustainability Report
Want to know more about our sustainability strategy? Take a look at our latest annual report.
We look forward to hearing from you
Want to find out more about our social commitment, talk to one of our sustainability experts, or have another request? Feel free to get in touch – your contact person will get back to you as soon as possible.
IVU Traffic Technologies AG
Bundesallee 88
12161 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49.30.8 59 06 -0
E-mail: sustainability@ivu.de
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